Sardis Raptor Presentation
Our season officially started, and we kicked it off with a great presentation from Sardis Raptor Center. They taught us about different hunting strategies when it came to raptors and brought Einstein the Bald Eagle! She was incredible to see up close and personal!

Guided Walk
During our Naturalist guided walks on Sunday, December 15th at 11:00 am and 1:30 pm we saw 12 Bald Eagles, 10 adults and 2 juveniles. We also saw Glaucous Gulls, Common Mergansers, Spotted Towhees, Dark Eyed Juncos, a Pacific Wren, an American Dipper, Steller’s Jays, Ravens, Crows, American Robins, and a Red-Tailed Hawk. We also saw some spawned-out salmon in the side channels of the Skagit. So far, compared to this time last season we are seeing higher numbers of Bald Eagles in our section of the river.

We are having Kelly from the Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group coming to join our walks on Saturday, December 21st at 11 am, Saturday December 28th at 11 am and 1:30 pm, and Saturday January 4th at 11 am and 1:30 pm to speak more in depth about the work the Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group has done around Howard Miller Steelhead Park and other projects around Skagit County.